"Opening Night" by Phyllis Shipley
"Pop Up's" Original Acrylic on Canvas by Phyllis Shipley
"Prickly Pink" by Theresa Shelton
"Purity" by Jeanne Leemon
"Purple Iris" by Phyllis Shipley
"Radiant Light" by Tom Bluemlien
"Ready, Set, Go" by Phyllis Shipley
"Red Geranium" by Theresa Shelton
"Reflections" by Bill Long
"River View" By Tom Bluemlein
"Rocks by the South Rim" by Jose Luis Nunez
"Rocky Fishing" by Theresa Shelton
"Side Walk Stroll" by Theresa Shelton
"Silver Blue" by Grace Grayson
"Sunday Hike" by Bill Long
"Sunning Perch" by Theresa Shelton
"Super Bloom" by Jose Luis Nunez
"The Blue That Remains" by Bill long
"The Shallows" by Tom Bluemlien
"Three Roses" by Jeanne Leemon
"Time to Dance" by Phyllis Shipley
"Uptown" by Elaine Clark
"Urban Village" By Bill Long